Thank you! We're lucky that she's sweet with us, so she is our TV lap buddy. We'll keep spending that time with her. We do have a small dog, but he's slowing down too much to play with her like he used to, so kittens might be in our future and I'm glad to know they do best in a pair. I have a friend who was just able to adopt an entire litter together... I envy their house full of adorablenesstwo kittens, or a puppy or two. and if they don't socialize with the older one, there's not much to be done about it. the older one was solo for most of its life, and as a result, probably either avoids cats or aggressively defends what it considers to be its own area. other than that, the last option is to make sure to spend time with the cat everyday yourself. brush it, play with a laser toy, bring a few cat snacks on the couch while you watch tv and see if it'll sit on your lap or next to you. basically without another animal to do it for you, you need to give of yourself. this can be difficult because the cat will mostly not want to be a part of any of that nonsense.