Seeing some of you discuss WoW...I was once a player. I've quit the game three times with my most recent outing a couple months ago. It's not fun anymore. I use to raid as a main tank back in TBC. Then I stopped that and just did PvP. Hit 2500s in wrath as a resto druid running MLD comp before my mage partner quit so I quit shortly after as it wasn't fun anymore. Came back 2 years later while deployed. Talents changed, but it was still boring. Played again with some friends until I recently quit and a buddy keeps trying to bring my back for Legion. Not sure really. I bought the Legion expac by trading 200k gold for $50 to someone on my btag list. A lot will have to change before I commit to playing again in terms of PvP balance. For now, that account can stay dormant with 600k gold and 9 level 100s (3x druids, warrior, hunter, mage, spriest, warlock, and a rogue.
For now, I will stick to Overwatch.