That's it, they're all over! Every time someone did a hit, it would ping my server, so I could get an accurate count of how many hits submitted vs how many returned. 80 submitted, and there were 152 attempts, so the submission rate was a little over 50% (52.6%). It's designed to be 50%, with a random number 1-10 picked; 1,2,3,4,5 returns, 6,7,8,9,10 submits, so 50/50. Looks like it was a little better than that this round. Thanks for being such good sports (most of you anyway), and making it entertaining for me and everyone! I put a lot more work into this than I anticipated (mostly because I tried obfuscating the javascript and ended up deleting it and needing to rewrite it

), but I'm glad I did, it seemed to go well! Thanks y'all, happy Halloween!!!