Steve woke up covered in sweat, feeling his heart racing, panicked at what he had just seen. He ran as fast as he could to the living room where he found his wife, Chippy.
Chippy: Hey sleepyhead, you seem in a rush.
Steve: Honey you won't believe the nightmare I just had it was horrible! I was like seeing my whole life play before me and I was a child full of opportunity, I wanted to be maybe a paleontologist or a fighter pilot and I couldn't decide because the world was so full of things to do and I was curious about everything and...
Chippy: Woah, slow down, are you okay?
Steve: And then I started growing up, I was watching myself in the nightmare grow up, and through a series of bad decisions and missed opportunities I ended up working at an online platform where we all were scraping for pennies, and everyone around me was dead inside and I even joined this one forum I don't know why because most of the time I shitposted there instead of actually working and I'm just so relieved I woke up because that was a hell no person on earth deserves.
Chippy: Honey you seem really agitated, the HM alert going off must have started you.
Steve: H...What? HM alert?
Chippy: Oh boy, your Tuesday night drinking session must have gone on longer than usual babe. HM, Hit Monitor, for mturk? Remember you said if you didn't make goal this week, we'd have to move to an even smaller trailer park. To the dreaded Le Petit Trailer Park.
A look of absolute horror washed over Steve's face as the reality of his situation had set in. It was no nightmare he just had, it was 5am. Zoltars time.