Title: "Mongolia" Easy Questionnaire (approximately 10 questions). | PANDA
Requester: Bryan Manzanera [A1WXFDD2D4MQQM] (TO)
TO Ratings:
1.07 Communicativity
1.82 Generosity
1.81 Fairness
2.00 Promptness
Number of Reviews: 95
(Submit a new TO rating for this requester)
Description: This questionnaire must not be taken twice by a same person. Thus, please memorize the unique name of this questionnaire, "Mongolia", and later avoid taking any questionnaire whose name is "Mongolia".
Time: 30 minutes
Hits Available: 1
Reward: $0.70
Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 99; Location is US
Title: Survey on negotiation, Pays $0.50(~ 6 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Malia Mason [A282XHN5IJNN2P] (Contact) (TO): [Pay: 4.19] [Fair: 4.90] [Comm: 4.20] [Fast: 4.88] Description: Read a scenario, answer questions (takes 6-8 minutes) Time: 40 minutes HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.50 Qualifications: Exc: [26907969-27125] has not been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 97; Location is one of: US; |
I like the idea that people have been posting their earnings every Sunday to be included in a list that hasn't existed for months. And the new people just do it because they see others do it, and no one really knows why anymore.@Lepi used to do it, but I think she has been too busy lately with real life stuff.
I tossed it and edited. I didn't see it until I postedAll that red... do I proceed?
Proceed directly to the TO review page.All that red... do I proceed?
You never know, she could be doing it in her spare time...I like the idea that people have been posting their earnings every Sunday to be included in a list that hasn't existed for months. And the new people just do it because they see others do it, and no one really knows why anymore.
Literally the exact reason I've posted mine sometimes. Let me know when we all plan to jump off a bridgeI like the idea that people have been posting their earnings every Sunday to be included in a list that hasn't existed for months. And the new people just do it because they see others do it, and no one really knows why anymore.
I'm pretty sure that's what @Lepi does with that one browser extension.I thought the reason everyone posted their earnings was because someone on the forum aggregated all the data on how much money/how many hits the forum as a whole did? Not to show off (even though, I'm sure a lot of people like to do that.) Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe we are all part of the scam and all lying about our earnings.I'm pretty sure that's what @Lepi does with that one browser extension.
I am pretty sure one of the main reasons to do it is to show lurkers and newbies that you can actually make some extra money on mturk
and that it's not scam
similarly with the daily PE
which also has another function - showing people what requesters to put on hitmonitor
I have never told the truth in my life.
Don't we need to sell it to somebody first?@kryssyy can we just delete the forum now