This is the second time I've read a post and wondered what the heck they were talking about, and realized it was one of mine. What the heck. I can see Janthirs point I guess.Yours are great! I wish I could do that. Last time I tried to describe what happens when I paint @Janthir said I made him feel like he was on drugs or something lol
<----and this (which I hope is pointing at my avatar)
which, I don't know what it is, fun with paintshop, but better than the mess I make with paint I guess.
edit: also I thought this thread was from like today. lol
Btw..Your apple, I honestly thought it was a photograph, it's beautiful!! And I'm sorry I meant to say when it was your avatar, I love the Octopus, the colors...i thought it was some kind of computer graphics, i wouldn't have thought it was colored pencil, its awesome. Im on my phone, hard to tell if i screwed up where i posted again. I hope not.
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