Title: Monster Fight at the Museum (up to $11 (average $7.2) bonus; requires WebGL 1.0; 64-bit browser) |
Requester: Museum Study [A68O9AS79451U] (
TO: [Pay: 2.75] [Fair: 4.75] [Comm: 3.00] [Fast: 4.20] [Reviews: 9] [ToS: 0]
Description: Fight monsters and remember paintings.
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $2.00
Qualifications: None;
This HIT was 3D graphics intensive.
My system overheated, and shut down 60 minutes into the HIT (#$@#$@!!). I have a decent laptop, 8 gig RAM, with a cooling stand, and 2 extra fans. I forgot to turn my extra fans on though. I rarely need or use intense 3D stuff.
I wrote the requester, as the HIT would not submit after crashing, said you had an error, return it.
They gave me a comp HIT, & already bonused $8. They were curious about my system specs, and I gave them the hardware/software breakdown (nerd here).
So... a good experience with
Requester: Museum Study [A68O9AS79451U]. FYI!