Homer: Here it is everybody! The world's greatest web site!
[a highly annoying newbie web page, complete with several
clashing sounds, is seen]
You'd think all the noises would be annoying, but they're
Bart: I got suspended from school today.
Homer: No kidding [obviously ignoring and then continuing to
ignore Bart] What do you think of my page, Lisa? Be
honest, it's great, isn't it? Go ahead, say it's great if
you want to.
Bart: They found a switchblade in my locker.
Lisa: Well, a web page is supposed to be a personal thing.
You've just stolen copyrighted material from everyone
else. They could sue you for that.
Bart: I took a swing at a cop.
Homer: They can't sue me if they don't know who I am. I'll just
call myself Mr. "X".
Bart: I'm just mad all the time.
Homer: Yep, you just can't go wrong with Mr. "X".
@C to the J)