03/09 - Think Twice Thursday!

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Internets EXPERT
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
This was the reply from Wisdom of the Crowd ... basically if you messed up an attention check or blew one of their easy questions, they rejected everything else.

Thank you for your participation in the Wisdom of the Crowds challenge! While reviewing your submissions, our system flagged you for one or more of the following reasons:
- Giving an identical answer to all questions (or over 80%) of questions in at least one hit
- Failing simple attention checks such as giving wrong answers to very obvious/easy questions
- Giving repeated unreasonable answers, such as estimating "5" for the population or GDP of a country

The above are just a few examples the checks we had put in place in our system.

Although this may have been the case for only one of the HITs you attempted, we cannot consider any of your other responses as your worker ID failed one or more of these simple checks. We also understand there may have been technical issues you may have faced while attempting to do these HITs. We assure you that these checks were only done on HITs you submitted and we did not reject you based on the fact that some HITs were incomplete or broken due to technical issues. We also did not reject you based on how well you may have performed on the task or how much you may have scored.

We had about 2000 users for the experiment, and our system rejected only about 1%. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we sincerely appreciate your time and participation in the Wisdom of Crowds challenge.
I wonder if the EASY questions were something like guessing the population of cities
like.. what's the population of Nigeria? 173000 or 173000000? off the top of your head.
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