Title: Top-of-mind exercise involving answering a few questions. | PANDA Requester: Sam McNerney [A39215IC8I5WH5] (TO) TO Ratings: 5.00 Communicativity 3.89 Generosity 5.00 Fairness 5.00 Promptness Number of Reviews: 34 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: This HIT should take about 1-1:30 minutes. We encourage you to response with your first impression. Time: 60 minutes Hits Available: 1 Reward: $0.15 Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Total approved HITs is greater than 50; Location is US |
Thanks, We'll wait and see i guessEnroll Hero
Take test to see if you qualify
7 Day AAAnyone know the AA on the Heather Steam Hits from the 24th?
Title: Responda a dos preguntas de la moraleja in ingles o español | PANDA Requester: Edward Gibson [AV5ZXNTTPTOV7] (Contact) (TO):[Pay: 3.56][Fair: 4.76][Comm: 1.00][Fast: 3.88] Description: La mayoría de personnas no necesitan más que cinco minutos para hacer esta tarea. En ingles o español, tiene que leer una escena y manifestar lo que haría en esta situación Time: 60 minutes Hits Available: 120 Reward: $0.50 Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 100, HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US |
Used to pay $1, only takes 30 seconds, but you can only do 1
Title: Responda a dos preguntas de la moraleja in ingles o español | PANDA
Requester: Edward Gibson [AV5ZXNTTPTOV7] (Contact)
(TO):[Pay: 3.56][Fair: 4.76][Comm: 1.00][Fast: 3.88]
Description: La mayoría de personnas no necesitan más que cinco minutos para hacer esta tarea. En ingles o español, tiene que leer una escena y manifestar lo que haría en esta situación
Time: 60 minutes
Hits Available: 120
Reward: $0.50
Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 100, HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US
I love your music, welcome to mtcWhat am I doing wrong for Pinterest? Even if I click right after it's posted, there's none for me. I just want a good batch.. i'm so tired of surveys.