Title: Test Product Purchase | PANDA
Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
Requester: Anna [A260CDXMT2LGX8] (Contact)
TO 1: [Pay: 3.67] [Fast: 0.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fair: 0.00] [Reviews: 3] [ToS: 0]
TO 2: Not Available
Description: Please be warned that NET reward for this assignment will be around USD 7. This assignment requires you to complete a purchase of a software license using your personal Credit Card. After your complete your purchase you will be e-mailed a License Key
Time: 1 hour
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $50.00
Qualifications: Location NotEqualTo PK; Location NotEqualTo PH; Location NotEqualTo IN; Location NotEqualTo BD;