06/28 - What A Burger on Wednesday!

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Sweet & Sassy
Jan 12, 2016
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Super late on this because I lucked into a tiny scared money batch, but wooooooohoooo! That's fantastic news and really going to help with stress levels and such. We love you too, and we hope you'll still be sticking around even after you don't have to turk, but just want to turk a bit and shenan with us.

Nah, you got this! You can go 24 hours more, and then another 24 hours. Just take it one day or even one second at a time. For the panic attacks, when you feel that tightness in your chest start, breath in slowly for 3 seconds, hold for 3, exhale slowly for 3, and hold for 3. Repeat until the feeling passes. It's called squared breathing and it's helped me stop the fuckers in their tracks before the head spins and "oh god, I'm dying" kicks in. Get a cheap package of plastic straws from Dollar Tree/other dollar store and chew, chew, chew when that oral fixation feels out of control. Baby carrots are good, too. Keep your fingers busy, and your mind too. You can do it! I'm on...a month I think of not smoking. (I stopped counting/forgot to count.) It does get easier. Also like someone else said, watch your triggers for it. For me, it was that first cup of coffee in the morning and the fact that my roommate still smokes like a chimney, which still makes me gnash my teeth at times. Good luck and I hope your quit is successful!

I did not need to know these exist, but now I need them. Tiramisu is my Kryptonite, and the one thing I refuse to learn how to make so I don't end up weighing 600 lbs.
Awww thank you :) Trust me, I wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Turk will be staying my full time job for at least the next year or two. I'm a teacher by profession, but am taking time off to be with my youngest until she starts school. Considering working on my Masters too. I don't think I could ever fully give up turking either. It's way too addictive! & shenaning with y'all is the best perk :gucci:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Title: Is the Reward worth the Effort? | PANDA
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Estimated Duration: 60 minutes | Is the Reward worth the Effort? | Min $7 + Bonuses
Time: 2 hours
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