Title: Siri Survey: This survey is to understand how people interact with Siri (requires iPhone version 4s or later) | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Juliana [AQGZAPJ1BO9XS] (Contact) TO 1: [Pay: 2.86] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: 3.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 86] [ToS: 0] TO 2: [Rate: $6.06/hr] [Pen: 0.52 days] [Res: -- of 0] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Description: This survey takes about 10 minutes and requires having a conversation with Siri (please see full list of requirements). You get $1 for your participation. Time: 60 minutes HITs Available: 45 Reward: $1.00 Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1000; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Location is US; |
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