I've earned more this Summer on mTurk than any other time period since turking in 2015. I feel like I finally found an extra gear. I've stayed pretty determined since mid-May. That's when it all started. I don't have the 5's qual, but
@C to the J's work ethtic is one of my biggest inspirations on here. Also guys like Humble and Gamera for being in the non-5s club like myself and still managing a way to bring in decent money. Of course Kadauchi is Kadauchi. Not human with the cash he rakes in. I'm leaving out numerous people who I admire on here who work their asses off. Kerek for improving my chances with the women. He invented Real Southern Comfort. He's a red panda, but he's a smart red panda.
God, it's not always easy on mTurk. It's a grind some days. For people who laugh at this line of work - screw them. Turkers are probably some of the smartest people out there.
I wouldn't call myself the smartest turker, but g'dang have I worked my ass to a pulp the last few months and I still want more. I keep thinking of other sources long term and where to go after mTurk. Might get an in person job if the money is right. The bittersweet thing about mTurk and comparing it to what you make in a in person job - mTurk actually pays more. Considering what your skills and talents are. Of course if you have a certain degree, etc you can make a ton of money at an in person job. A kazillion times more than mTurk. But I've made probably around $700 more on mTurk in a 45 day period (the last 45 day period at least) than what I would've during the same time at my last office job
Or course taxes play a huge part of it, but I've been already planning for that come next year.
I'm completely rambling. Just want to say if you're reading this - I admire you. We're all hard workers in here. Who scrape for every penny. It might not be glamorous, but it's enough to get us by