Title: NHL Rivalry - New Jersey Devils | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Alex [A3N40ZZWWIFNYD] (Contact) TO 1: Not Available TO 2: Not Available Reward: $0.50 Duration: 1 hour Available: 1 Description: Please give your perceptions of the New Jersey Devils rival teams. Requirements: None; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
Title: NHL Rivalry - Winnipeg Jets | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Alex [A3N40ZZWWIFNYD] (Contact) TO 1: Not Available TO 2: Not Available Reward: $0.50 Duration: 1 hour Available: 1 Description: Please give your perceptions of the Winnipeg Jets rival teams. Requirements: None; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
thanks for sharing. My panda crazy is only set for the 20 cent V2 ones and the old, V1 ones for various amounts.What is Overwatch?Nice well that makes sense. Wish I could get some but I must be capped or something. They aren't grabbing for me today and I did a bunch yesterday so I'm not sure what's up.
Title: Classify objects into categories (about 15 minutes) | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Adelaide CompCogSci [A2UKL52R7I6BX7] (Contact) TO 1: [Pay: 4.60] [Fast: 4.72] [Comm: 4.14] [Fair: 4.73] [Reviews: 106] [ToS: 0] TO 2: [Rate: $15.23/hr] [Pen: 0.02 days] [Res: -- of 0] [Rec: 100% of 3] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $2.00 Duration: 60 minutes Available: 1 Description: We are studying how people learn to categorize objects. You will be shown an object and asked to determine whether it belongs to one of two categories. Requirements: None; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
I'm getting there!
Title: NHL Rivalry - Tampa Bay Lightning | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Alex [A3N40ZZWWIFNYD] (Contact) TO 1: Not Available TO 2: Not Available Reward: $0.50 Duration: 60 minutes Available: 1 Description: Please give your perceptions of the Tampa Bay Lightning rival teams. Requirements: None; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
Title: Professional proofreading in English | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Sebastian sattler [A3N2DN29YMAX3P] (Contact) TO 1: [Pay: 5.00] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 2] [ToS: 0] TO 2: Not Available Reward: $2.25 Duration: 1 hour Available: 1 Description: If you have professional experience in proof-reading in English, I would like to ask you to proof-read approx. 200 words. Requirements: None; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
you have to consider yourself a fan of the team that is the subject of the survey, so i'd probably only do 1 if i were youWhat's with all these NHL Rivalry HITs? I snagged a couple to do.
no, same with UNUs that have already startedIs it cool to continue if you catch a Remesh when it's already halfway through?
Ah bummer.went outside to smoke & missed it
It's like hit monitor. You add your IDs to it and it lets you know when the people are posting. Gives you a nice message and a pop up too. I really like it.thanks for sharing. My panda crazy is only set for the 20 cent V2 ones and the old, V1 ones for various amounts.What is Overwatch?
much as i love my Stars I'm not in the mood to write.
Title: NHL Rivalry - New Jersey Devils | PANDA
Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
Requester: Alex [A3N40ZZWWIFNYD] (Contact)
TO 1: Not Available
TO 2: Not Available
Reward: $0.50
Duration: 1 hour
Available: 1
Description: Please give your perceptions of the New Jersey Devils rival teams.
Requirements: None;
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5
Title: Estimate how much of a food is in a photo | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Sassafras Tech Collective [A2OMIX3JMZ3WU7] (Contact) TO 1: [Pay: 2.80] [Fast: 4.00] [Comm: 2.00] [Fair: 2.60] [Reviews: 5] [ToS: 0] TO 2: [Rate: --/hr] [Pen: -- days] [Res: -- of 0] [Rec: -- of 0] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $0.13 Duration: 20 minutes Available: 1 Description: Measure the amount of a particular food in a photo Requirements: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 200; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location EqualTo US; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.25.5 |
| HITs | Value |
Viewed | 596 | $71.73 |
Submitted | 554 | $41.50 |
Approved | 554 | $41.50 |
Returned | 19 | $19.25 |
Bonuses | N/A | $0.01 |