I can do it much faster in reverse. 6 steps to hating yourself and every living being.
1. Be poor and have 0 opportunities to do anything about it.
2. Live anywhere in the rust belt, yes that includes you Chicago. Don't you dare try to act any less shit than Detroit.
2a. Extra self hate for living in Gary Indiana, assuming you haven't been shanked already.
3.Do mturk, but not mturk in it's prime IE the shallow dying husk that it is today.
4. Read stories about people doing incomprehensibly stupid things. Examples include putting sunscreen in their eyes and staring at the solar eclipse, microwaving an Iphone to recharge it and believing that all water will turn them (and all them frogs!) gay.
5. Realize that 45% of the population watch the Flintstones as a documentary.
6. Realize we can end world hunger, energy crisis and climate change in less than 20 years; but some asshole needs another fleet of golden Humvee's instead.
This probably needs expanding a bit, but it's a fair start. Bonus points if anyone can come up with some more creative stuff!