So, kinda funny and wanted to share, I got a rejection at 1am on New Year's Day. No biggies as I only have 18 rejections, I didn't spend a lot of time on the survey and it was only $.30. I did find it irksome that the attention check that I missed, I didn't actually miss. I saw it, accidentally clicked a bubble and couldn't remove it. Tried reloading and then even tried the 'uncheck radio button' script. This appeared to work but, once submitted, it didn't actually work. I emailed them stating my issue and that if you are going to have an attention check that says "do not answer this question," you should really be using a format that allows for unchecking of radio buttons because, accidents happen. I mis-clicked but had no way to remedy it. I told the requester that I would be fine with keeping the rejection. I just wanted to make him aware of the issue. He reversed my rejection and gave me a $.50 bonus! I like it when people are unexpectedly nice. It's a good way to start the year off and another example of why it's important to be polite, or at least professional, with requesters.