What I'm troubled about with this work is, there seems to be more 'n more cr*p circulating in this toilet of MTurk. Some one needs to clean up their act and hire a proper plumber.
I think some cr*p has spread to Prolific.
There was one last night that I caught. Tons of misspellings throughout. While there were only two attention checks, one was an attention check related to the scenario of the study with a strong warning that there would be a rejection for getting the rsponse wrong. The question involved a person that was not even mentioned in the scenario. Needless to say i returned the study right away because i'm not going to take a 1-in-3 chance of being correct. At least I had only invested 3 mins of time since it was a quick scenario impression type of study.
I reported it to Prolific staff because I thought the attention check was unfair both in threat and in content and we'll see if they get better in policing their platform. They still are letting requesters who threaten to reject everything for not working every part of a study so I have my doubts they will work harder to make it fair for workers.