Holy tater tots! For once in my life I am truly speechless. Thank you so much my MTC Fam!!
Congrats to two of my fave peeps
@PeachyRider and
@<Gucci>! Thank you for keeping this place going.
Thank you to all the nominees and to everyone who helps out here. And to our lovely
@Staff who gave us all a home. I was just a baby turker when this forum began. But you took me in and taught me the ropes. I am so grateful to too many people to mention. Wow I never expected to win and was just honored to be amongst such a fine bunch.
Thank you also to my fellow Master Pleaser
@Kadauchi for making the transistion to worker much smoother for us as well as to
@Johnnyrs and the other scripters who kindly share their work.
Love you all! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: