Title: Investigating the Nature of Positive Leadership Behaviors | Accept Requester: Lei Huang [A1CV56JZR1TQFH] Contact TV: No Reviews TO: [Pay=2.60] [Fast=3.67] [Comm=2.00] [Fair=3.00] [Reviews=10] [ToS=0] TO2: No Reviews Reward: 1.00 Duration: 1:00:00 Available: 1 Description: This surveys helps to study employees' perceptions about what constitutes positive leadership behaviors. This survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. Qualifications: Masters Exists ; Location EqualTo US [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.4.6 |
From your hand to my paw.[tr][td][/td][/tr]
Title: Investigating the Nature of Positive Leadership Behaviors | Accept
Requester: Lei Huang [A1CV56JZR1TQFH] Contact
TV: No Reviews
TO: [Pay=2.60] [Fast=3.67] [Comm=2.00] [Fair=3.00] [Reviews=10] [ToS=0]
TO2: No Reviews
Reward: 1.00
Duration: 1:00:00
Available: 1
Description: This surveys helps to study employees' perceptions about what constitutes positive leadership behaviors. This survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Qualifications: Masters Exists ; Location EqualTo US
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.4.6
This was only like 2 minutes.[/td][/tr]
Caught on PC right away, thank you![tr][td][/td][/tr]
Title: Investigating the Nature of Positive Leadership Behaviors | Accept
Requester: Lei Huang [A1CV56JZR1TQFH] Contact
TV: No Reviews
TO: [Pay=2.60] [Fast=3.67] [Comm=2.00] [Fair=3.00] [Reviews=10] [ToS=0]
TO2: No Reviews
Reward: 1.00
Duration: 1:00:00
Available: 1
Description: This surveys helps to study employees' perceptions about what constitutes positive leadership behaviors. This survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Qualifications: Masters Exists ; Location EqualTo US
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.4.6
This was only like 2 minutes.[/td][/tr]
Title: Academic study ($0.50 reward, $1.50 bonus) | PANDA Requester: IU School of Informatics [A1YL61V5P4MXM3] (Req TV): N/A (TO): [Pay: N/A] [Fair: N/A] [Comm: N/A] [Fast: N/A] Description: In this study, you will be observe and describe in words a series of visualizations Time: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes(s) HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.50 Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location EqualTo US; |
Our spam filter prevents posting links until you've made at least 3 posts, i believe.I'm trying to share hits, but, it won't let me.
I agree. Also as late as it is, is the picture blurry or is it just my eyes?5s working. I'm not that confident about these though, after looking at the examples.
Yeah... I think I might choose being broke and going to bed... o.05s working. I'm not that confident about these though, after looking at the examples.