If $100/day is easy then I'm doing something *seriously* wrong and/or those awesome tutorials are terribly misleading.
If you mean my tutorial, it's very survey focused because that's the way I work.
Batches aren't my favourite and I don't like fighting for HITs, personally. Plus I like variation. I get bored easily.
But, I also don't tell anyone they're going to make $100 doing it, especially "easily".
Max day without batches is a bit under $120. (All day, and it was a loooong steady day.)
That doesn't happen regularly though, without adding in batches. My method gets
me, normally, to my goal of $60 and usually around $80, without batches on a steady day. I didn't want to set anyone's hopes too high. That's why I said
"I can guarantee, myself, $40 to $XXX by doing that."
I think that's pretty accurate. I know most people that I've helped can hit $40.
There are other outside factors that can figure in though.(internet speed, reading speed, distraction level, outside obligations,
social media addiction, etc.)