wow, folks. creepy amazon just got creepier.
What first appeared on my computer earlier this week: The EU has recently implemented the DAC7 directive that
requires us to report MTurk workers' taxable income. To be in compliance with this directive, please complete a DAC7 tax interview no later than February 28, 2023. If we do not have your tax information by then, you may be inelegible to continue to use the MTurk platform, which could also result in withheld payments.
Know what it says today: The EU has recently implemented the
DAC7 directive that requires
EU and non-EU digital platform operators to report users’ taxable income. To be in compliance with this directive, please
complete a DAC7 tax interview no later than February 28, 2023,
regardless whether you are an EU resident. If you do not complete the required action by then, you may be ineligible to continue to use MTurk, which could also result in withheld payments.
Do they even have attorneys working on this thing? And regardless of how one explains it, they are telling us that yes, they will be reporting our incomes to the EU. Sorry, amazon, for me that doesn't cut it. I have searched and searched and cannot find anywhere where it says I must do this. Again, I am an American citizen and not under EU control, nor amazon control for that matter. To further this directive from amazon, they've said "regardless whether you are an EU resident." Oh, really. Yeah, I get it. You want to report our incomes to the EU. Why , I don't know. If you said you needed to report them to our IRS I might understand though I'd have to ask why you need this info when you already have it, amazon. and ought to be doing that anyway.