Please accept this HIT ONLY if you meet ALL the following criteria:
Title: Answer a survey about fast food | PANDA
Requester: John Cheek [A1XAMJH3BPC59G] (TO)
TO Ratings:
☭☭☭☭☭ 0.00 Communicativity
☭☭☭☭☭ 5.00 Generosity
☭☭☭☭☭ 5.00 Fairness
☭☭☭☭☭ 5.00 Promptness
Number of Reviews: 10
(Submit a new TO rating for this requester)
Description: Tell us about your opinions on fast food restaurants
Time: 60 minutes
Hits Available: 1
Reward: $0.70
Qualifications: Location is US
How you doing?I come back to find a calm board. I'm disappointed in all of you.
That is not wild! But I want a cupcake too. Is anyone even rule sevening?
Title: Consumer Scenario Task II (2/12/2016) | PANDA Requester: Stanford GSB Behavioral Lab [A3OSXTUM1QEXNY] (TO) TO Ratings: ☭☭☭☭☭ 3.73 Communicativity ☭☭☭☭☭ 3.75 Generosity ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.41 Fairness ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.34 Promptness Number of Reviews: 380 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: $0.7 for 7 minutes! Time: 60 minutes Hits Available: 80 Reward: $0.70 Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Location is US |
Title: Quick study! Carefully read and respond to a selection of scenarios. 3-4 minutes, instant approval.(~ 4 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Lead Lab at Leeds [AF4GJPMV4V5N2] (TO) TO Ratings: ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.47 Communicativity ☭☭☭☭☭ 3.76 Generosity ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.84 Fairness ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.72 Promptness Number of Reviews: 77 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: In this HIT, we will ask you to take part in a study where you will read a selection of scenarios and answer questions about those scenarios. This HIT will take you 3-4 minutes to complete and your submission will be instantly approved via digital passkey. Time: 30 minutes Hits Available: 1 Reward: $0.30 Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100; Exc: [7114-6525] has not been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90 |
Being on the Price Is Right in no way increases your chances of getting Masters! I sent an email to Jeff about this very thing and got not reply. I'm marginally positive that this is a truthful statement.I'm increasing my chances by lighting Jeff Bezos votive candles every day along with turning my gigantic Tibetan Jeff Bezos prayer wheel.
Yay! I qualify for something.Please accept this HIT ONLY if you meet ALL the following criteria:
Have eaten at a fast food restaurant in the last 6 months
Live in or near one of the following cities:
- Dallas
- Houston
- Las Vegas
- Los Angeles
- Phoenix
- Sacramento
- Salt Lake City
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- San Francisco
Define "near"Please accept this HIT ONLY if you meet ALL the following criteria:
Have eaten at a fast food restaurant in the last 6 months
Live in or near one of the following cities:
- Dallas
- Houston
- Las Vegas
- Los Angeles
- Phoenix
- Sacramento
- Salt Lake City
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- San Francisco
Title: 20 min Romantic Relationship Survey Requester: ICEA CAM lab [AMVTM55ZT3Z9H] (TO) TO Ratings: ☭☭☭☭☭ 3.91 Communicativity ☭☭☭☭☭ 3.91 Generosity ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.59 Fairness ☭☭☭☭☭ 4.65 Promptness Number of Reviews: 67 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: In this HIT, you will complete a short psychology questionnaire about your relationships (20 mins). **PLEASE NOTE** SURVEY ONLY SUITABLE FOR THOSE CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP Time: 4 hours Hits Available: 1 Reward: $2.00 Qualifications: FRI-REL has not been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95; Location is US |
Way to be cliche, Kryssy.
/me just ordered pizza
I always want a cupcake and I have some actually.That is not wild! But I want a cupcake too. Is anyone even rule sevening?
I have to keep up appearances.Way to be cliche, Kryssy.
I was in the audience of Price is Right on May 13, 2013. I got Masters on July 25, 2013. Draw your own conclusions!Being on the Price Is Right in no way increases your chances of getting Masters! I sent an email to Jeff about this very thing and got not reply. I'm marginally positive that this is a truthful statement.
I'd say I was pretty much right smack in the neighborhood of all of them ...Define "near"
You just have cupcakes lying around?I always want a cupcake and I have some actually.
Bezos felt sorry for you because you never managed to "Come on Down"?I was in the audience of Price is Right on May 13, 2013. I got Masters on July 25, 2013. Draw your own conclusions!