Title: Earn $22 for your Spotify Data! | PANDA
Requester: vana-machine-learning [A3KTFSSWMH40PC]
TurkerView: [ $131.75 / hour ]
Description: Sign-up for Vana’s data collection tool. Then you’re required to complete four components; a demographic quiz, a personality quiz and a quick-swipe survey on clothing preferences, and then grant permissions to share your Spotify Data.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $22.00
Requester: vana-machine-learning [A3KTFSSWMH40PC]
TurkerView: [ $131.75 / hour ]
Description: Sign-up for Vana’s data collection tool. Then you’re required to complete four components; a demographic quiz, a personality quiz and a quick-swipe survey on clothing preferences, and then grant permissions to share your Spotify Data.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $22.00
- Location EqualTo US