I'm sure trying! I love Abe! I didn't think to check it, I just looked in my library. I'll order a copy of it. I'll figure it out eventually. It's just a real pain in the butt after not having to worry about it for two years or so. It's all a little "Okay here we go again!" Thank you for your advice

The light in the room we've got figured out, but starting tonight we're going to work on temperature, not too easy in winter. Especially since NJ can't decide what sort of winter it's having.
I take things off in my sleep and the sleep masks never ever ever stay on, but the t-shirt thing seemed to work b/c my head kinda just spun in it all night. Bonus is my hair wasn't as frizzy!
By the end of all this I'm going to have
quite the nighttime routine lol