Title: Guessing Gambles | PANDA Requester: Samuel Gershman [A1NLXULMPXG1OY] (TO) TO Ratings: 4.50 Communicativity 4.13 Generosity 5.00 Fairness 4.92 Promptness Number of Reviews: 42 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: In this experiment, you will make predictions about gambles and play gambles. This experiment takes approximately 40 minutes. Time: 4 hours Hits Available: 1 Reward: $6.00 Qualifications: Masters has been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90; Location is US |
I had told her an hour before your post how to do soTo be fair, since it presently looked orange when empty,
perhaps she thought progress would be another color.
But the NaN wasn't going away no matter what she did
to get the NaN to go away go into settings and reset the daily amount.
Go into settings (right click the extension) and set your daily goalHow can I change it back to normal?
Title: New Tech Survey (50 cents, 5 minutes)(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Decision Sciences [A2LCUY0MW1AN67] (TO) TO Ratings: ★★★★★ 3.11 Communicativity ★★★★★ 3.75 Generosity ★★★★★ 4.70 Fairness ★★★★★ 4.68 Promptness Number of Reviews: 128 | TOS Flags: 2 Submit a new TO review Description: Share your thoughts about new tech (50 cents, 5 mins) Time: 10 minutes HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.50 Qualifications: Exc: [1088932880-35684] has not been granted;HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95;Location is one of: US |
Title: (2-4 minutes) $.30 with Bonus for a Counting Task(~ 3 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Jimmy [A9I3921LM4ZAC] (TO) TO Ratings: ★★★★★ 0.00 Communicativity ★★★★★ 3.13 Generosity ★★★★★ 5.00 Fairness ★★★★★ 4.50 Promptness Number of Reviews: 10 | TOS Flags: 0 Submit a new TO review Description: You will be counting things on images. It takes only 2-4 minutes. Earn $0.30 including bonus! Time: 15 minutes HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.20 Qualifications: Exc: [-1933207182-35651] has not been granted;HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95;Location is one of: US |
Title: Decision-making task with possibility to earn bonus | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Raihani Lab [A25RTM8JJMU7PJ] (Contact) TO: [Pay: 4.48] [Fair: 4.58] [Comm: 4.46] [Fast: 4.63] [Reviews: 193] [ToS: 1] Auto Approval: 21 days Time: 30 minutes HITs Available: 45 Reward: $0.20 Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 0; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 75; Location is US; |
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.14.8 |
There should be a button labeled "Forum Export" above the survey if you installed the script.Does anyone know how the posting on forums script for prolific academic works ? There is a pretty good survey for $2.50 up right now and has about 70 spots left.
i have a refresher thing for prolific.. but i dont have the correct demographics for it, lameDoes anyone know how the posting on forums script for prolific academic works ? There is a pretty good survey for $2.50 up right now and has about 70 spots left.
i haven't done it myself yet, but I'm assuming if you install kadauchi's script (located here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24729-prolific-export) it will give you a button on the prolific page that will give you a forum export ready to pasteDoes anyone know how the posting on forums script for prolific academic works ? There is a pretty good survey for $2.50 up right now and has about 70 spots left.
Title: 2-minutes to answer multiple choice questions about advising a friend | PANDA Requester: Mo Luan [A24DYBYIQ3745A] (TO) TO Ratings: ????? 0.00 Communicativity ????? 4.25 Generosity ????? 5.00 Fairness ????? 5.00 Promptness Number of Reviews: 5 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: 2-minutes to answer multiple choice questions about your preferences Time: 60 minutes Hits Available: 1 Reward: $0.20 Qualifications: Masters has been granted |
I have it installed, but I do not see a forum export button.There should be a button labeled "Forum Export" above the survey if you installed the script.
I have it installed, but I do not see a forum export button.