Barely turked this week but checking in to see if anyone making any cash today and everyone talking rideshare..... Sums it up I suppose lol....
Real talk:
I started Uber in 2016, it
USED to be a cash cow. Turn on the app and print money any day of the week.... Now there are so many foreigners driving full time for a living it's a minimum wage grind after upkeep and figuring total hours as full timer. Everyone will show you in app hours but full timers rarely start working from where they live and will drive to city/airports/honey holes before going online and usually drive home empty. I'm Uber and Lyft but these days I only drive on fri/sat besides concerts and sporting events or sometimes college thirsty Thursdays. Friday and Saturday you can easily knock down a couple hundred a night working 8p-3am and maybe 150 miles round trip. Sometimes much more money but event and weather dependent of course. It just sucks giving up every weekend and watching drunks have fun but it's a fun part time job overall.
NEVER NEVER EVER NEVER get into a Uber/Lyft lease, they are like payday loans and will own your soul. If you're in a wreck you still have that insane WEEKLY payment due and you can't work until they clear your car. I know people with bad credit who got caught in this and an accident destroyed them.
It's still the greatest part time job ever for me but YMMV depending on location. I did $255 in 6 hours last Saturday, of course $80 of that was a beer cleanup fee but still worth it. I'll be back out all this weekend driving drunks.
BTW: if anyone interested Lyft new driver promos are awesome. $5 extra per ride up to $700 or 50 days, whichever comes first. Uber new driver promo sucks it's like $50.