Got a rejection from Jörg Königstorfer with the reason "Sorry to reject you. But your answers are non-sense in many questions. For example, you write non-sense sentenses for the first 2 open questions, or, random app name, or, random app price, or non-sense days per week (20 days per week), etc." (Copy/pasted his reason, I know how to spell sentences lol). I definitely didn't give non-sense answers and I use My Fitness Pal, which is not a random app. I know how many days are in a week, so I know I didn't mess up there. I sent him an email explaining why I didn't think the rejection was fair and asked him to recheck my data and he just emailed me back asking for my survey completion code ?

I get so frustrated when I get rejections that I know I don't deserve ugh.