Yeah, I liked it quite a bit, but I don't like having to find people and trade stuff in chat and whatnot, so I couldn't really get that deep into the end game.
ok i'm done. I lose an hour in 15 minutes. time for bed. I convinced myself to do some of the Research Hits and did 24 so not bad. Helps to have "no" copied so you just to paste it when no is the answer.That's what I do anyways. Makes me not have to move my right hand off my mouse since "yes" can be typed with the left hand. It was a good run. Transferred $27 over earlier so hopefully it'll be available Monday. Maybe the other RT hits I have completed from early last week will finally approve, eh? It'll be a late start (eveningish) for me Sunday because I'll be out most of the day so happy turking all and have a great Sunday.
Today`s Projected Earnings: $30.00 (Exported from Mturk Suite)