:thumbup: that was kind of fun
yea, it was simple - one of the girls I went to high school with and was rather close to, she had twin girls in 2000. I sorta.. lived with them for like three years - I'd spend 2-4 nights per week there, and often cooked dinner, since among us I was not only most able to make home-meals, but I like to make sure my 'family' is eating well.
when she broke up with her boyfriend, who was not the girls' father, thank god - the father was violent!, I also had some things going on in my life, and we fell apart for a few years. one of her daughters, the one that made this survey, actually reached out to me and requested me on facebook, but it's her mother that I'm friends with. I've only visited her a few times since then, but I guess that happens as we age ¯\_(ツ)_/¯