I have cousin working part-time who quit as CS there last year-not sure that it's the same position, but she didn't like the stress.
She said they had been moving to a subscription model for everything, and people were very unhappy with needing to pay extra for everything, on top of being some of the most entitled people she had ever met (lives in Orange County, so that's saying something)
She said that the negativity and talk tracks weren't something she liked. They had keystroke logging/productivity trackers and illogical quotas. She works for Dell now, says it's much more relaxed.
If you need the cash, it's a solid job-she was doing $19/hrish right out of college though, but really didn't like the pace, and other companies are very close or better pay-wise, for less stress.
Edit: She has a STEM (don't remember the exact field-computer something) degree from San Diego State, not sure if that is required for the type of support you would be doing.