Ok, follow this step by step...
Step 1: Go to chrome://extensions/
Step 2: Check the "Developer mode" checkbox on the top right.
Step 3: Find Mturk Suite
Step 4: Click the link "Inspect views: background page"
Step 5: A popup will open, keep it open
Step 6: MTC Direct export a HIT from a mturk page
Step 7: When that export fails, check console from the popup from step 5
Step 8: Report any errors
background.js:158 settings.initialize()
api.turkopticon.info/requesters?rids=&fields[requesters]=rid,aggregates Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
api.turkopticon.info/requesters?rids=&fields[requesters]=rid,aggregates Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
background.js:366 ns4tSuccess
background.js:387 Object
background.js:366 ns4tSuccess
background.js:387 Object
background.js:531 webRequests.wwwMturkReturn()
background.js:286 XHR finished loading: GET "