question: is that related to my live feed thing taking forever to load and post my replies? or is that my computer?
It can be. All of the avatars and smilies come from the CDN. It's set up in a way that only x amount of connections can be made, from each person, in a given time. If you go over that amount, like if there are a lot of smilies or tags with the mini avatars on the page, then it will start taking forever to load. You'll know if it's that if you keep seeing "waiting for" at the bottom of the page while it's loading.
That should be fixed now, though, with the mini avatars being turned off. If you're still having that problem, it could be because of memory. When you leave live update on for extended periods of time, it starts to store a ton of stuff in memory and it slows everything down. You have to refresh the page every now and then to get it to clear all of that out.