Hey everyone! i started turking half a year ago and slowly drifted away after getting too discouraged...
well, for the past month i figured id give it another shot. i had around 350 or so hits done (...in a 5 month period) and just by browsing a little i came across mturkgrind. I had heard about it before, and found some old bookmarks that shown i have visited the site before, but for some reason never thought about registering.
come this week, i started to get a little more serious about turking, within 4 days of browsing i found that this site has helped me so much that i felt bad about not (at least trying:al

to contribute.
These past few days, mainly thanks to the guides and topics on this site, ive been able to hit a daily goals id never thought id be able to get to, and fly past the 500 approved mark (im nearly at 750!)
thanks guys, i hope to help out in the future! :ag: