I'd like to point out that in general, this is an ongoing difficulty with moderating any group of people and amongst the mods, we talk about this difficulty a lot. What looks like total insults could be joking and fun between two good friends or people who know each other from other websites, IRL, whatever. As mods, it's really hard for us to figure out when something is a joke or isn't a joke because we can't keep track of everyone's friendships with everyone else to try to decipher when something might be an inside joke or a friendship style, nor would it be even possible for us to track and know all of that about everyone. If someone sees what looks like an insult, sometimes the mods know that it's really a joke between two people who are pals and the observer may not realize they have a pre-existing friendship. And other times, the mods just don't know. We do our best with the information we have but also have to rely on reports and PMs from forum members to let us know if someone's being truly a jerk and not just joking around with a pal.