She should have planted the Cheerios because they grow into donuts!
Aw, I hope you don't take this the wrong way because you're likely young and spry, but you just reminded me of my late grandfather and made me smile so much! He told me that's what she was doing: saving donut seeds, because she was a farmer just like him.
Lately I've been feeling like my brain is a square peg and turking is a round hole. It's just... not happening. So I think I'm gonna be taking a little break. I hope it's okay if I still pop in every morning to see how you're all doing!
Also, what's making you happy this morning?
Firstly, I understand needing a break for a while from turk. I hope that your break leaves you refreshed and ready to jump back in when you're ready again.

I do hope you'll pop in, because even when I don't have an answer, seeing everyone else answer always makes me feel warm fuzzies.
Today, I am happy because I have multiple answers! I got lucky and got another night of (mostly) restful sleep, turned a bad experience into a good one yesterday, had a really great therapy appointment that left me feeling stronger and more sure of myself, got gifted a personal pan pecan pie from my adopted Ma, my seedlings are growing so much, and my three little starling buddies that hang out with me every morning are busily (and adorably) gathering items for a nest. Oh, and when I texted my friend a hello and mentioned the good night of sleep, she sent me this with her reply..
...and since I was listening to Pandora, I got the joy of seeing it while listening to "Take Your Mama" by the Scissor Sisters. I giggled so hard that I snorted and hurt my nose, which only made me giggle more.
PS-Sorry about the longish post. Just feel really blessed to have multiple warm fuzzies this morning. Good morning and good luck out there today to everyone! May the monies rain despite the holiday, may the shenans be endless and uplifting, and may you not think me a mushy weirdo.