Someone please kill me.

I wasn't able to sleep. Been awake since 1:30 am and it's now 9:30 pm and I'll need to be up until 9 am.... then I will go home, sleep until about 12:30 and then go to my nephew's birthday party. Then I'll try and sleep another 4-5 hours to work another 12 hour shift. Then I work another 12 hour shift on Sunday. I can't do it :sob::sob::sob: normally I could take a short nap at work (I work in an actual house & I take care of disabled people) but because I caught and turned in the new guy on the other side for locking himself in the medication room/potentially smoking marijuana at work, he'll just try and do the same thing to me if I try and take a short little nap. I want to die.

Also two of my HITs were rejected today. I am saltyyyyy