Woke up late because I can't stop watching the new MST3K and stayed up
way too late. Am an original fan of the show after my little brother and I discovered it at my dad's in 1990ish, so the need to devour each episode
right now is real, even though I also want to pace myself so I don't run out of new episodes so quickly. They're doing a bang-up job of melding the old feel with the new feel, in my opinion.
Anyhoo, looks like I've not missed much. Which is good, because this is me_irl today:
Good luck out there today and stuff and things. Here's hoping some afternoon/evening money drops out of the sky. If all else fails, we can just pretend that this whole mturk experience is an experiment put on by the Mads to make us crazy, which will give us the strength to fight it another day.
Edit: Werds r hard. (Gotdang it, brain!)