That's super sad

poor kid. Hopefully he gets out and gets to college and can talk some sense into his parents, if that's even possible! Didn't work for us!
That's the daughter..she has social anxiety and honestly, I'm pretty sure he gave it to her. When shes at his house all she does is sit in her room by herself and has since she was like 5. If any of my kids have issues like that...I try to make them face it, in life you have to communicate with people.
His son is on the autism spectrum but he isn't like severely autistic, he speaks and he can have normal interaction like he doesn't flip out about being touched or anything like that. He's very mildly autistic, it basically manifests in that he comes off like a kids that is poorly behaved. Like throwing tantrums being 10 and acting more like he's 5...losing at a video game and throwing a controller at the screen..
Stuff like that but my friend parents him like he is an invalid that can't function. It's all I can do to not tell him, your son could grow up to live a normal life if you'd show him he can do things for himself. But then see overprotecting, world awful in his view...and he uses that kid for his own gain. He desperately does not want to work so he uses the kid as an excuse. I can't work cause I need to be here to get him to school, he can't be home by himself etc etc.
It's honestly really sad and all I can do to not say something...