Title: Answer a survey about your attitudes and personality | PANDA
Requester: Douglas Whitaker [AO97N4CYGDTG4]
TurkerView: [ $17.76 / hour ]
Description: This survey is evaluating the use of different types of survey items to measure attitudes in higher education (NO mobile devices due to small screens)
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $2.56
Requester: Douglas Whitaker [AO97N4CYGDTG4]
TurkerView: [ $17.76 / hour ]
Description: This survey is evaluating the use of different types of survey items to measure attitudes in higher education (NO mobile devices due to small screens)
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $2.56
- Location In AU, CA, GB, IE, NZ, US