Been down the rabbit hole looking to order new glasses frames to replace the one I broke. I am overdue for an eye exam and under present circumstances, it doesn't seem like I'll get one soon so I decided to buy new frames and use the old lenses. How complicated. My frame didn't give the lens measurement, so I had to locate that information and then find the right size frame (I looked up how to get the lenses in and out). I looked at a lot of companies and ended up going with Payne Glasses. They have stellar reviews, and the prices are really, really low (My frames were $6.95 (if I had wanted to I could have gotten standard lenses included in that same price, but I don't wear standard lenses) and shipping was $4.95, so total was $10.90). If this order works out I will definitely give them a shot at my new glasses, including the prescription lenses because they always cost the earth. Their frame selection was very good. Too bad I was stuck with a specific lens measurement to fit.