Sigh, if anyone remembers my cat having 10 kitties, well the tenth one seems to be dying

he is the runt and now he just wont move... his mom seems to want him to die... sigh. He only has one eye opened
Oh god, poor flufferbutt! Animal moms do have this thing where they'll neglect a baby that doesn't seem to be able to make it. There may still be hope, though! Do you have the time/willingness to bottle-feed it and keep it snuggled in a warm towel? Kitten formula can be found many places, as can the accoutrements. A call to a local vet can help guide you in how to handle it all to ensure his survival. We had to do this when my cat had a runt who was struggling, when I was a little girl. He not only made it, he became the biggest, fattest one of the bunch.
If you're not able to care for him, please, call around/Google search to find a kitten rescue that may be able to devote the time to save him. I hate to think that a kitten that might have even a little chance would pass away. Like, so much that I am holding back tears right now. (I really really really love animals.)