Good morning everyone!
When MTurk logs you out in the middle of the night so you miss your madlabs...ergh
I keep getting randomly logged off of MTurk. Anyone know why?
That's normal. I think the norm used to be every 12 hours, but it's a little bit more random now. Sometimes I won't have to log in for days and sometimes it's 3-5 times a day.
I've started acting a little more proactively with this, and had great results so far! When I first get on at the beginning of the day, as well as when I go to bed at night, I routinely sign myself out of MTurk, and then sign back in clicking that "keep me signed in" option. It's been a couple of weeks now since I was last logged out. May not be practical for everyone, but it works great for me!
Do you guys prefer Overwatch or Panda?
All of the scripts! But for real, use as many as you can functionally utilize. OW is great for telling you when a specific requester, or requesters, are posting. PC is great for me for catching HITs, though some prefer Hit Catcher, or a combination. In my opinion though, you're best off installing any scripts that are commonly used, and trying them out one at a time. Note what is helpful, and what is more of a hassle for you. Then, decide which to run when/where.
I almost always have PC going, as at the very least, I keep my reputable requesters going there (MadLabs, Zoltar, etc) and I often run OW and HF in the background, OW to tell me when specific people post, and HF to tell me when anything posts. Also, OW and PC are like apples and oranges

OW is a watcher, and PC is a catcher.