Must be why this batch is so terrible.I see my thong worked and got 5IVE5 to drop
Rude af.yeah, he didn't fucking invite me either
for as bad as the astros have been the red sox are only a game betterThat was nice last year.
I set mine every Friday night before i crash.I still set PC to try and catch them after I finish... barcodes...oh god
Can I have your old stove because mine is terrible. And it's called a CALORIC for crying out loud!PE: $13.58..not bad for being on opiates all day, in pain, and not able to concentrate on surveys longer than about 3 minutes lol. Hoping to stay upright long enough to hit $15. I'm almost halfway to my goal of saving up for a new stove since I've been back to turking and I'm all excited! (Yes, I realize that means I'm an old lady now lol)
Mmmm peanut M&M's! I like the peanut butter ones too sometimes!I've never liked the regular ones. Not a big chocolate person. But I do like the peanut ones okay.
I’m sorry. We can’t be friends anymore.
22-8 and 20-12 adds up a bit different to mefor as bad as the astros have been the red sox are only a game better
let's just say they aren't that great with money >_>isn't the bride's family supposed to pay for everything that has to do with the wedding?
idk what kind of cake cause I don't like cake so it's whatever she wants lolWhat kind of cake? Open bar? We need some more answers here.
ill wait till the playoffs again when the red sox fall again and you’ll say the Astros have no chance again22-8 and 20-12 adds up a bit different to me
i told you me and nick quit drinkingalso I have two heavy alcoholic friends who will go apeshit around hard liquor, so only beer and wine