so here was the call I got at 7am i transcribe this while i was talking so i would not forget this piece of work lol, the spellings are correct as to how this lil fucker spoke them

I'm in yellow speech of course

"Hello this is IRS investigations and we have a warrant for your arrest"
OH NOES! what did I do?"
"You have been found the guiltiest of tax invasion and are under arrest"
So what do I need to do?"
"you are on a fedreal record line and the goathouse is listening to each and everything you say"
OK, so what do you need?"
"unless you pay the $7,157.39 you will be put in the bars, so if you do not want to be arrested in one hour and taken to the goathouse you need to pay this amount"
well, I don't have that amount"
"what do you have in your bank"
I don't have a bank, but i have $29.99 in my thong"
"you have no bank? how much can you have?"
I can have $29.99"
"hold one minute I see what my head investigation says"
"OK, sir my head investagtion says if you pay the $29.99 today that you will not have the police coming at your door and you can pay the rest next month"
OH WOW, this is great, so where do I send the $29.99?"
"you need to go to wal-mart and get an iTunes gift card and then scratch off the numbers on the back and give me those so I stop the arrest from coming at your door"
Itunes? do you scammers need music that bad? FUCK OFF!"