On or about March 20, 2018, the United States Department of Justice seized the website,
www.Payza.com. The Department of Justice only seized the website name, therefore, we do not have access to any funds, or to any Payza accounts. To the extent that your inquiry is related to moneys seized before the March 2018 website seizure, please contact us at
USADC.OBOPAYZA@usdoj.gov. Any questions regarding accounts created at
www.Payza.eu, or after the March 2018 website seizure, must be directed to Payza.eu. The Department of Justice does not have the ability to access any user accounts, nor can the Department of Justice prevent any fees from being imposed.
The Department of Justice is unable to provide legal advice. If you have questions concerning your rights or the legal obligations of Payza, please seek the advice of legal counsel.
Thank you.