caught on panda
Title: Cognitive Tasks - 2 links • Accept
Requester: Alto Neuroscience [A3RTPDYZ0S167D] Contact
TV: [Hrly=$30.58][Pay=Good][Approval=~24 hrs][Comm=Good][Rej=0][Blk=0]
TO: [Pay=0.00][Fast=4.33][Comm=0.00][Fair=5.00][Reviews=3][ToS=0]
Reward: $20.00
Duration: 03:00:00
Available: 2
Description: Participate in a series of tasks
Qualifications: Location EqualTo US
doable tasks, long test ....
Had to change my Windows desktop theme, from Dark Theme to Windows Classic
mid test, due to color scheme issues with test indicators [could not see them],
this paused the test [wrote requester just to clarify]. Test completed just fine, though.
FYI, if you catch this, Windows classic desktop theme, may be better than Dark Theme.