- Joined
- Jan 24, 2016
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- 4,608
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- Female
6 of mine approved so I feel better about the HIT now.
6 of mine approved so I feel better about the HIT now.
Yeah I knew I messed up, the rejections were my own fault. I messaged them as soon as I noticed my mistake. All others have been fine though.
#SingleInstance Force
; Written by Robert Ilbrink, The Netherlands
Menu, Tray, Icon , Shell32.dll, 100, 1
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Global Nr := 1
; ================================== GUI ==================================
Gui, Add, ListBox, h270 w195 vMyListBox gMyListBox, 01 %Array_1%|02 %Array_2%|03 %Array_3%|04 %Array_4%|05 %Array_5%|06 %Array_6%|07 %Array_7%|08 %Array_8%|09 %Array_9%|10 %Array_10%|11 %Array_11%|12 %Array_12%|13 %Array_13%|14 %Array_14%|15 %Array_15%|16 %Array_16%|17 %Array_17%|18 %Array_18%|19 %Array_19%|20 %Array_20%
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y275 w45 h20, Paste
Gui, Add, Button, x60 y275 w45 h20, Refresh
Gui, Add, Button, x110 y275 w45 h20, Help
Gui, Add, Button, x160 y275 w45 h20, Special
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
WinGet, State, MinMax,
If (State = -1)
Gui, Show, x%x% y%y%,MultiClipBoard
; ================================== SHORTCUTS ==================================
+^1::MySend(Array_1) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+1 pastes item 1
+^2::MySend(Array_2) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+2 pastes item 2
+^3::MySend(Array_3) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+3 pastes item 3
+^4::MySend(Array_4) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+4 pastes item 4
+^5::MySend(Array_5) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+5 pastes item 5
+^6::MySend(Array_6) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+6 pastes item 6
+^7::MySend(Array_7) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+7 pastes item 7
+^8::MySend(Array_8) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+8 pastes item 8
+^9::MySend(Array_9) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+9 pastes item 9
+^0::MySend(Array_10) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+0 pastes item 10
+^q::MySend(Array_11) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+q pastes item 11
+^w::MySend(Array_12) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+w pastes item 12
+^e::MySend(Array_13) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+e pastes item 13
+^r::MySend(Array_14) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+r pastes item 14
+^t::MySend(Array_15) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+t pastes item 15
+^y::MySend(Array_16) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+y pastes item 16
+^u::MySend(Array_17) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+u pastes item 17
+^i::MySend(Array_18) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+i pastes item 18
+^o::MySend(Array_19) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+o pastes item 19
+^p::MySend(Array_20) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+p pastes item 20
; ================================== NUMPAD SHORTCUTS ==================================
^Numpad1::MySend(Array_1) ; [Ctrl]+1 pastes item 1
^Numpad2::MySend(Array_2) ; [Ctrl]+2 pastes item 2
^Numpad3::MySend(Array_3) ; [Ctrl]+3 pastes item 13
^Numpad4::MySend(Array_4) ; [Ctrl]+4 pastes item 4
^Numpad5::MySend(Array_5) ; [Ctrl]+5 pastes item 5
^Numpad6::MySend(Array_6) ; [Ctrl]+6 pastes item 6
^Numpad7::MySend(Array_7) ; [Ctrl]+7 pastes item 7
^Numpad8::MySend(Array_8) ; [Ctrl]+8 pastes item 8
^Numpad9::MySend(Array_9) ; [Ctrl]+9 pastes item 9
^Numpad0::MySend(Array_10) ; [Ctrl]+0 pastes item 10
+^Numpad1::MySend(Array_11) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+1 pastes item 11
+^Numpad2::MySend(Array_12) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+2 pastes item 12
+^Numpad3::MySend(Array_13) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+3 pastes item 13
+^Numpad4::MySend(Array_14) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+4 pastes item 14
+^Numpad5::MySend(Array_15) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+5 pastes item 15
+^Numpad6::MySend(Array_16) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+6 pastes item 16
+^Numpad7::MySend(Array_17) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+7 pastes item 17
+^Numpad8::MySend(Array_18) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+8 pastes item 18
+^Numpad9::MySend(Array_19) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+9 pastes item 19
+^Numpad0::MySend(Array_20) ; [Shift]+[Ctrl]+0 pastes item 20
; ================================== SEND FUNCTION ==================================
ClipBoard = %Item%
IfWinActive, MultiClipBoard
Send, !{Esc}
Sleep, 100
Send, ^v
; ================================== SINGLE or DOUBLE CLICK ==================================
MyListBox: ; Single Click (Normal) or Double Click (DoubleClick) to paste data back to other application
if A_GuiControlEvent <> Normal ; Alternatively use "DoubleClick"
GuiControlGet, MyListBox ; Retrieve the ListBox's current MultiClipBoard.
StringTrimLeft, ClipBoard, MyListBox, 3
Send, !{Esc}
Sleep, 200
Send, ^v
;Send, {Enter}
;SendInput, %MyListBox%{Tab}
; ================================== PASTE BUTTON ==================================
ButtonPaste: ; Select an item with [Up] / [Down] arrows and press [Paste] to paste data back to other application
Gui, Submit, NoHide
StringTrimLeft, ClipBoard, MyListBox, 3
Send, !{Esc}
Sleep, 200
Send, ^v
;SendInput, %MyListBox%{Tab}
; ================================== EXIT / CLOSE BUTTONS ==================================
Gui, Destroy
; ================================== REFRESH BUTTON ==================================
Gui, Destroy
GoSub, ShowListBox
; ================================== Copy Into the List ==================================
Browser_Favorites:: ; [Star] key to copy to clipboard.
!c:: ; [Alt]+c to copy to multiClipboard.
#c:: ; [Win]+c to copy to multiClipboard.
Send, ^c
Sleep, 100
Array_%Nr% := ClipBoard
If (Nr >20) ; wrap around after 20 entries
WinGet, State, MinMax, MultiClipBoard
If (State = -1)
Return ; GUI, Show
Gui, Destroy
GoSub, ShowListBox
; ================================== CLEAR / OPEN / SAVE ==================================
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames, 30
MsgBox, 4098, Special Action, [Clear]`, Clears all items`n[Upload]`, Upload a txt file`n[Save]`, Save current list.
IfMsgBox, Abort ; ================================== CLEAR ==================================
MsgBox, 4100,, Are you sure to clear the list?
IfMsgBox No
Nr := 1
Loop, 20
Array_%Nr% =
Nr := 1
Gui, Destroy
GoSub, ShowListBox
Else ifMsgBox, Retry ; ================================== OPEN ==================================
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 3, , Open a file, Text Documents (*.txt)
If SelectedFile =
Loop, read, %SelectedFile%
If A_LoopReadLine =
Array_%A_Index% := A_LoopReadLine
If (A_Index > 20)
Nr := A_Index + 1
Gui, Destroy
GoSub, ShowListBox
Else ifMsgBox, Ignore ; ================================== SAVE ==================================
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, S, , Save the list as a Text Document, (*.txt)
StringReplace, SelectedFile, SelectedFile, `.txt,
FileDelete, %SelectedFile%.txt
Loop, 20
CurrentLine := Array_%A_Index%
FileAppend, %CurrentLine%`n, %SelectedFile%.txt ; % Array_%A_Index%, doesn't work
; ================================== HELP BUTTON ==================================
MsgBox, , MultiClipBoard Help, Press [Alt]+c or [Win]+c to copy highlighted data onto the clipboard (TEXT only).`n`nClick on an item to paste it to the last active application.`n`nPress [Refresh] to refresh the screen after items were added while minimized.`n`nPress [Special] to select`n[Clear] to clear the list (after confirmation),`n[Load] to load items from a file or`n[Save] to save current items to a file. `n`n[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[nr] (1...0) will paste item 1...10.`n[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[letter] (qwertyuiop) will paste item 11...20.
; ================================== RENAME STANDARD MSGBOX BUTTONS FOR SPECIAL MENU ==================================
IfWinNotExist, Special Action
return ; Keep trying.
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames, off
ControlSetText, Button1, &Clear
ControlSetText, Button2, &Open
ControlSetText, Button3, &Save
; ================================== END ==================================
Title: Find Twitter Handles for the directors of Fortune 500 companies | PANDA Requester: Jason Davis [A29S27PQPA9U2E] (Contact) (TO): [Pay: 3.60] [Fair: 4.75] [Comm: 2.25] [Fast: 2.00] Description: Given the director's name and company, find the Twitter Handles (e.g., @) associated with the director Time: 6 minutes HITs Available: 26 Reward: $0.08 Qualifications: Masters has been granted; Total approved HITs is not less than 1000; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95 |
That's what people kept writing in my high school yearbook.Be less creepy.
Yeah. Now I have to play Tetris or something just to get to sleep.Be less creepy.
It looks like Hillary Clinton.Be less creepy.
teachers*That's what people kept writing in my high school yearbook.
Bob Ross is the best, the father of ASMR.I'm watching some Bob Ross before I go to bed and I advise everyone else to do the same
edit: its really good
asmr videos bug me the fuck outBob Ross is the best, the father of ASMR.
Or when he beats the devil out of brushes and he laughs like a mischievous kid.asmr videos bug me the fuck out
but I could listen to that knife hit the palette all day
covering everyone in the studio!Or when he beats the devil out of brushes and he laughs like a mischievous kid.