Title: Short Study About Debt(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: K.L. Kettle [A12S33MG4ODNG3]
TurkerView: [ $10.74 / hour ]
Description: This is a short study about credit card spending and debt.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 3
Reward: $0.50
Requester: K.L. Kettle [A12S33MG4ODNG3]
TurkerView: [ $10.74 / hour ]
Description: This is a short study about credit card spending and debt.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 3
Reward: $0.50
- Exc: [309154-308565] DoesNotExist
- CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 96
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US