Title: Concept Map Decomposition Level and Its Impacts on Reading Comprehension and Cognitive Load(~ 55 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: nawras [A38ISEBH52VZ1U]
TurkerView: [ $11.07 / hour ]
Description: The purpose of this research study is to investigate the cognitive load effects of a concept map building interface and its impacts on Reading comprehension.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 4
Reward: $6.00
Requester: nawras [A38ISEBH52VZ1U]
TurkerView: [ $11.07 / hour ]
Description: The purpose of this research study is to investigate the cognitive load effects of a concept map building interface and its impacts on Reading comprehension.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 4
Reward: $6.00
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 5000
- Exc: [305700103-309524] DoesNotExist
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US